The Why, the How and the What of Vector Group – Envisioning Sustainable Communities Creatively

Stephen and Tracey Fawcett envisioned Vector Group Charitable Trust – (Envisioning Sustainable Communities Creatively) as a relationally vibrant and creatively-diverse community panel, to aid us in our Why.
Belonging forms us into who we are as individuals and as community—we are the sum-total of others. Our passion, desire and who we are influenced by all form out of the “other”.
As volunteers in the community, Tracey and I discovered in our surveys and conversations, that there was a strong cry for a sense of belonging in Te Puke. This yearning to belong was not ethnically bound nor restricted by age, religion, nor vocation. We are social animals, and as Youth, Teachers, Business owners, Volunteers, those in Leadership roles, those in need of upskilling, all of us, in all walks of life, hold in some measure the craving, importance, and necessity to belong.

Te Puke Youth Survey – Participant Percentages
Inspired by a book called… Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek, and the combination of Vector Group Charitable Trust’s research, surveys and conversations with youth of Te Puke, has led to the development of the poignant Questions of Why?, How? and What?
The Why of Belonging?
- Why is there a question mark around belonging in our community, especially with the youth of Te Puke?
- Why do they feel like they are not supported, and don’t feel fully integrated?
- Why do the Youth of Te Puke relay disappointment regarding a lack of fun activities and events on our area, work opportunities and speak of a general disconnectedness?

Te Puke Youth Survey – Fun and Events come out on top
The Why informs our Vision:
“To be invested and to engage the need of belonging with our youth and community, by collaboration and as a creative collective.”
The How? Envisioning Sustainable Communities Creatively
- Vector Group Charitable Trust values a creative collective and collaborative community, coming together as a unified front?
- Vector Group Charitable Trust’s aim is to create room for dialogue, initiate, facilitate and nurture healthy space, thus enabling belonging to thrive?
- Vector Group Charitable Trust will encourage relational collaboration by integrating youth and nurturing leadership development and skills.
- Vector Group Charitable Trust is not about re-inventing the wheel and will draw on aspects of existing services where necessary.
The What?
“We believe that by pursuing relational connections creatively, investing in personal engagement and generating inspiring projects, we can impact the Why of Belonging, build community relationship and have fun at the same time.”
Our Core Values:
To Be Absolutely-Passionate
To Be Thoroughly-Creative
To Be Relationally-Inclusive
To Be Remarkably-Innovative
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