Exult – Helping Non-Profits Grow are hosting an online workshop next Wednesday around sustainable funding, income streams for non-profits, fundraising, the difference between sponsorships, grants and donations, and much more. It is so important, now more than ever, to have a solid grasp on how to generate long-term/sustainable funding.
Creative Bay of Plenty are giving away 2 tickets! Invaluable information from the comfort of your own home – for free?! https://www.facebook.com/creativeBOP/photos/a.163816180349047/2931245876939383/?type=3
All you need to do is flick us an email at connect@creativebop.org.nz and tell us why this workshop would be valuable to you. Open to creatives in the Bay of Plenty.
No time to waste! Upskill yourself/your organisation now!
When: 29 April 2020 | 9:30am – 12:30pm
Where: Zoom webinar