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Official Purpose and Structure

Vector Group Official Purpose & Structure


Acts as an umbrella / resource body

Makes grants / loans to individuals
Sponsors / undertakes research
Provides services (e.g. care / counselling)
Provides advice / information / advocacy
Provides human resources (e.g. staff / volunteers)
Provides buildings / facilities / open space
Provides religious services / activities


Community development

Accommodation / housing
Education / training / research
Social services, Employment
Religious activities
Promotion of volunteering


Family / whanau

Children / young people
Other charities
Voluntary bodies other than charities
Religious groups

Vector Group Charitable Trust


About Vector Group

Vision: A community where diversity is celebrated, and every person feels included. Mission: To create opportunities for healthy connections and self-expression. To support people who work with young people, and thereby enhance youth engagement and development and creatives so that young people thrive.