Vector Group open doors to People First New Zealand, a self advocacy organisation that is led and directed by people with learning (intellectual) disability.

Vector Group Charitable Trust welcomed People First into its facility this morning. Yi Liang Small, the Midland Region Coordinator for People First approached us a few weeks ago about sharing our space and collaborating on future projects. The self advocacy group met today in the “conference room with a view”. Yi and others commented on how “accessible our building was compared to most facilities in Te Puke”. An ability to park one meter from front door, no ramps, just an easy roll over the threshold of our entrance-way into a spacious welcoming sense of place.
Looking forward to making it easier for individuals to access workshops, events, collaboration and inclusion.

Vector Group open doors to People First New Zealand, a self advocacy organisation that is led and directed by people with learning (intellectual) disability.
What does People First stand for?
People First New Zealand is a self advocacy organisation that is led and directed by people with learning (intellectual) disability. People First is part of an international movement fighting for the rights and inclusion of all people with learning disability.
Their Mission Statement
People First New Zealand Inc. Nga Tangata Tuatahi is here to empower and support people with learning disability to be strong and valued individuals in New Zealand.
People First believes:
People with learning disability should have respect, have full rights of citizenship in New Zealand and be fully included in communities.
Maori are the people of the land (Tangata Whenua) and we will support the rights Maori have under the Treaty of Waitangi.
Our Vision
People First is here to:
Make sure people with learning disability can speak up and be heard on things that are important to them in government, in services and in the community;
Represent people with a learning disability who cannot speak for themselves;
Promote the rights of people with learning disability.